PSHE (Physical, Social, Health and Economic Education)
At Highwoods we believe that PSHE is an essential part of children’s education and wellbeing so children can achieve their best, academically and socially. We use Coram Life Education’s SCARF programme of study which is mapped to the PSHE Association. SCARF stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship.
We also meet these essential foundations to learning and PSHE requirements through curriculum links with science, PE, DT and computing. Click here for a link to our curriculum map
In SCARF lessons, children meet Harold the Giraffe puppet (‘Healthy Harold’) and friends. They have discussions and watch short films about Health, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.
Every Autumn, we have a visit from Coram Life Education who delivers fun and entertaining life skills workshop sessions for all year groups when children can meet Harold and his friends.
Health Education and Relationships Education includes learning about physical and emotion health; healthy eating, being safe around medicines, the body and how it works, friendships and their influence, and how choices and behaviours can affect children’s health and education outcomes. Following statutory guidance from the Department of Education (2020), lessons have a particular emphasis on Mental Wellbeing, Respectful Relationships, Internet Safety and Harms and Online relationships.
Living in the Wider World – vital elements such as the rights of the child, caring for the environment, community, economic education and parts of British Values and SMSC are included and are essential to meet SMSC and Ofsted Personal Development, behaviour and welfare requirements.
We work closely with local churches who deliver a range of cross curriculum PSHE and RE sessions including a “Prayer Space” for children in Key Stages 1 and 2 for three days each year to support children’s SMSC development.
We also enjoy having visitors to help support the curriculum such as the Emergency Services, people in our community who help us such as nurses, dentists etc and Bike Ability lessons for year 5 children.
We offer a range of pastoral care to support children’s Social and Emotional learning including sessions in the form of Thrive, Forest School, yoga, play therapy, nuture groups clubs and ‘Lunch Bunch’ lunchtime club.